Monday, April 14, 2008

Believing in what you are doing

You are probably going to find that when your workload is moderate and you are feeling good that you aren't doing enough and want to ride for an extra hr or do an extra interval... Leave something in the tank and safe that for racing... As the training load increases we are going to make much bigger gains in fitness over the course of 3-4 week blocks than you could ever come close to doing by riding that extra hr or doing that extra interval. You really have to be disciplined and look at the "big picture" which may be some priority races in the fall or, for the realist, may be a year or two away.

I promise you that towards the end of a training block, the cumulative work load will make you feel more tired than waking up sore because you pushed it into the red over one extra climb the day before. That cumulative load is what we are going for.

During the next couple weeks of base training you will have this nagging feeling that you should be doing more. It numbs your senses a bit and isn't as satisfying as getting the endorphins rushing but the more you do it the more you will realize that that if you save that desire, instead of burning it up all the time, you will have it when you need it. Leave it in the tank!

1 comment:

gcuddihee said...

YES YES YES I am a believer !!